White Clover Pudding: A Recipe for Comfort & Healing

***Such a sweet lil’ recipe from Gather, that I wanted to share here on my blog.  I like that it is a restored pioneer recipe using powdered gelatin, a very nourishing food (think joint repair and health as well as gut repair).***

Little did I know when I first came across an old pioneer recipe for “White Clover Snow” that it would be my solace during dark and hungry times. But after a recent dental pummeling tha…

Source: White Clover Pudding: A Recipe for Comfort & Healing

5 thoughts on “White Clover Pudding: A Recipe for Comfort & Healing

  1. Pingback: White Clover Pudding: A Recipe for Comfort & Healing — Madhupa Maypop – New Age Herbal

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